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Local World Inc.
8581 Santa Monica Blvd,
West Hollywood, CA 90069


9. September 2021

Why the WFH or Hybrid Work Model Will Make It More Difficult to Source Great SAP and Salesforce Talent

The pandemic forced in-office work environments to prioritize cloud-based systems and work from home models.

Discover why this new normal is making it more difficult for companies to source the top Salesforce and SAP consulting talent and what that means for your business.

Work From Home

Working from home or a hybrid in-office model is the new normal. Both companies and employees have found benefits from this widespread move towards virtual work.

Updates in technology have made this switch possible and have allowed businesses to adapt and transform to a virtual-driven work model. With the latest cloud-based CRM tools, there is no need to work in-office. While previously it was a business or company’s decision for in-office systems and in-house employees, today it is driven by cloud computing services, at-home employees, and outside consultants.

Employees and CRM consultants are able to successfully work from home, and they do not want to go back.

A recent survey from Flexjobs found that:

65% of pandemic remote workers said they want to keep working from home. 

58% said they would look for a new job if they would have to return to the office.2% said they would prefer to return to the office.

2% said they would prefer to return to the office.

Learn more about how the latest technological tools impact your recruiting efforts.

The Great Resignation

Remote work has made a huge impact on what employees view as a job requirement. For many, the ability to work from home has become a make-or-break aspect.

According to the US Department of Labor, more than four million quit their jobs in April.

Economists are calling it the ‘Great Resignation.’ For many workers, including CRM consultants and SAP functional consultants, working from home or with some type of hybrid model is a job requirement they’re not willing to sacrifice.

Your Competition

Everyone is looking to fill their team and hire the top talent. While your search scope broadened to people outside of your immediate area, so did everyone else’s. To stay ahead of your competition and the ever-changing market, you need the best minds.

But how do you find and hire the right people for the job?

Building the Right Team

As a recruitment leader in the ERP staffing industry, we understand that genuine, independent Salesforce and SAP functional consultants and Trusted Advisors are scarce right now. Local World has a pre-qualified network of over 18,000 CRM consultants ready to join your team and represent your interests. Dramatically shorten your time to hire and accelerate the success of your project with Local World.

Let Local World’s SAP consulting experts cut through the noise and find you the very best.