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Local World Inc.
8581 Santa Monica Blvd,
West Hollywood, CA 90069


16. October 2021

A Look Ahead: What Will Your SAP Staffing Look Like in Q4?

Moving into Q4, set your team up for success and transform your business by assessing your SAP staffing needs and making strategic hiring decisions.

Q4 And Your SAP Staffing Needs

From a quick transition to fully remote work to a balanced hybrid model, SAP software has continually offered adaptable solutions to meet your businesses’ ERP needs. As you’re looking ahead to Q4 and the next year and evaluating what the future of work looks like, you might also begin to analyze our software and staffing needs.

Hiring Trends

According to the Labor Department, four million people quit their jobs in April 2021.

Not only does that impact how companies will move forward with hiring, but alongside the precedent set by a successful WFH model many businesses and employees experienced throughout the pandemic, it makes sourcing quality talent even more difficult.

The Great Resignation changed the way people work, and the top SAP talent are being fought over by your competition. It’s still a job seekers’ market.

In addition to continued remote work and a continued job seekers’ market, current hiring trends include:

  • Streamlined applications and faster hiring decisions. Since candidates are more likely to be considering multiple employment offers, employers will be expected to make more agile employment decisions. 
  • More mobile applications. A recent report from Appcast found that a mobile application time of less than five minutes resulted in a higher finished application rate. 
  • Higher demand for recruiters. New research from LinkedIn revealed that the demand for recruiters increased nearly seven-fold from June 2020 to June 2021. 

Optimizing Your Software

Your ERP system is the nucleus of your organization. From project management to supply chain insights, your team relies on your SAP software to keep everything running smoothly. 

So why wouldn’t you ensure that you are getting the most out of your essential software?

You want someone on your team who has your businesses’ best interest in mind. An expert who can optimize your software and help your business grow. Someone who meets all of your SAP staffing needs.

Expert SAP Recruiting

Does your company have an SAP recruiting specialist? Someone who knows what questions to ask or what to look for in an SAP interview?

If this is something your team is taking on, on top of their regular workload, you’re wasting time and money and doing so with no guarantee that you’re going to find the right person.

Don’t waste your time or company money on hiring the wrong person. As a recruitment leader in the ERP market, we understand that finding expert SAP staffing can be a challenge, but that’s where our extensive network of top talent comes in. Local World delivers pre-qualified SAP talent nationally and on-demand, dramatically shortening your time to hire and accelerating the success of your project.

Meet your Q4 SAP staffing needs with Local World.